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Win The Bottle

4.0 ( 5580 ratings )
Jeux Divertissement
Développeur Catcho

Pull a fast-one on your friends with a spin-the-bottle-like parlor trick that you can RIG In Your Favor - but only if you know the secret trick (see below)!

* Your new love interest has yet to make the first move? Throw a party and, when the moment is right, unleash Win The Bottle. Everyone picks a color BUT before you let your sweetheart take a spin, quietly double-tap your own color and get ready to change your Facebook© relationship status.

* Are you the match-maker type? Think friend A and B are perfect for each other? Then entice them to a game of Win The Bottle. Before you let friend A spin the bottle, double tap Bs color. Pack a welders mask as sparks will fly!

* Co-workers cant decide on lunch plans? Solution: Win The Bottle! The person who wins chooses where to eat. Apply the secret trick to your color and let anyone spin. Just dont let the taste of victory spoil your appetite.

* Disarming a cliché time bomb in an average-citizen-is-our-only-hope movie? Well, we suggest that you follow the script but if you happen to forget which wire to cut… Win The Bottle! Let your foe spin the bottle and cut any color that it DOESNT land on.

* Playing an evil villain in an average-citizen-is-our-only-hope movie? You know what to do...

1. Select the number of players, press play.
2. Each player chooses a color.
3. **Each player takes a turn by spinning the bottle. When the bottle stops spinning the color it lands on will flash. The spinner and the spin-ee must embark on a journey of delight.
4. Rinse. Repeat.

**Secret Trick:
On your turn, quietly double tap the color that you want the bottle to land on BEFORE you spin!

fake bottle, all natural color, stale jokes and Puns